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5 ways to teach gratitude to kids

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Here are the 5 ways by which we can teach gratitude to our children.

1.Lead by example

Children often learn by imitating their parents or caregivers. Therefore, it is important for adults to model grateful behaviors, such as saying thank you or expressing appreciation when someone does something kind for them.

I would like to share an incident.

Just the other day I was practicing EFT with my eyes closed .

I didn't tell anything to my daughter, she was just roaming around preparing to sleep.

To my surprise, when I opened my eyes after finishing my session, I found my daughter sitting beside me and here she go, "Mamma, I was also tapping with you and I tapped on all points as same as you were doing".

So, can you see,I didn't instruct her, I didn't force her to do any session.

What made her do her curiosity.

The same way you can also lead by example for your kids.

Just have patience!!

2. Make it a daily practice

Create a daily gratitude ritual, such as sharing something you are grateful for at dinner time or writing down three things you are grateful for each night before bed. This can help children develop a habit of thinking about the good things in their life.

3. Use positive reinforcement

Praise your child when you see them expressing gratitude, such as saying thank you or complimenting someone. This positive feedback can encourage them to continue to practice gratitude.

4. Encourage acts of kindness:

Encourage your child to perform acts of kindness, such as helping a friend or doing a chore for a family member. This can help them develop empathy and appreciation for the things others do for them.

5.Read books or stories about gratitude

There are many children's books and stories that focus on gratitude which can be found in bookstores or online. These stories can help children understand the concept of gratitude and why it is important.

I hope these points were useful and will be definitely put into action.

I am grateful that you read the blog.

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Thank you!!

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