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7 Tips To Set Your Goals

We are at the last 3 days of the year 2022. And as a ritual, we tend to set goals for us the next year.

But before we proceed, let me ask you one question. Did You achieve the goals of 2022?

Did you partially achieve?

Are you happy??

If the answer is Yes, Then Bingo,You are on the right path.

But even if the answer is NO,

there is always a new start, Life gives you lots of opportunities.

I heard that if you want to achieve something, you should make a plan of action and a schedule. This is how we can improve our life. It's easy to dream but hard to make it come true.

So, I want you to take this chance to write down your goals for next year.

If you don't have any idea about what are the things that are important for you, then think about them and write down the things that are important for your life.

Before you set your goals, you should ask yourself:

What do I want? What would make my life better? What am I passionate about? What do I enjoy doing?

Here are some tips to help:

1. Start small to boost up the confidence.

You can start with small goals that are doable and realistic (e.g., "save Rs 2000 monthly" or "learn a new hobby" or walk 5000 steps daily.) don't just jump to 10,000 steps daily.

2. Set a Date to achieve the goal.

Set a date by which you'll have met all your goals (e.g., "Dec 31").

You can also have monthly Goals.

and Weekly. Trust me, These give me lots of confidence.

As a small business owner, I set my daily goals as well, eg how many scrunchies should I stitch daily irrespective of whether I have any orders or not. This helps me maintain my inventory.

3. The Action Plan

Make a plan for how you're going to achieve each goal (e.g., "go for a walk every day at lunchtime").

4.Stay away from Negativity.

This is the most important part. Never ever let negative thoughts dictate you.

Be adamant enough about achieving goals.

5 . Take help

Don't be shy or afraid to take help.

Do not struggle alone.

6. Track your progress

This not only gives you the confidence of what can you do and what more can you achieve.

and last

7 . Never Forget Why You started.

We might get lost midway because of small failures.

But here you have to visualize yourself as if you have achieved your goal.

Keep a positive mindset.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes, because if we try hard enough and put our best efforts into achieving our goals, then we can have success in our lives and have a happy family life as well."


All the best.

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