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7 Basic Hair Care Tips For Kids

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

Our kids are everything to us and we leave no stone unturned to keep them happy and healthy.

When it comes to taking care of their hair, we become more concerned. Here are the basic hair care routine which I follow for my daughter.

1. Oil their hair regularly.

Go back to basics and oil their hair regularly

Give a lovely champi to your kids. Trust me, a champi with a story ..., KIDS will love it.

Tell them how you used to get champi from your parents.

You can also discuss their school friends, teachers while giving them a good head massage.

2. Use natural products.

Be wise while choosing products. Don't blindly follow any ad. Read and do research on the ingredients.

3. Wash their hair often.

Keep the scalp clean. Give a headbath to kids on weekends and once on weekday,may be Wednesday.

They tend to collect chalk dust during classes. And not to forget that they sweat a lot during their physical activity class. So make it a habit of washing their hair twice a week.

4. Use a moisturizing shampoo.

Again, don't just blindly follow any ad. See what suits your kid's hair and make sure your check on the ingredients

5. Avoid using hair dryers or heating rods.

A big NO for kids.

6. Don't use very tight hair ties.(yes , this point is for girls,)

Opt for silk or satin scrunchies.

Yes, try using soft scrunchies.

7. Most important Follow a healthy diet.

Teach kids the importance of a healthy diet.

Try using techniques like showing their hair in the mirror and saying that their hair is shiny because they have been eating fruits /green veggies/palak etc(but but but,don't be judgemental). Once they SEE the effect, they will start following a healthy diet.YES, IT REQUIRES A LOT OF PATIENCE.

All the best.

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